Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One Of Those Days

Do you ever have days that seem to just suck the life out of you?  From the time you wake up in the morning until you drag yourself to bed at night, everything is a challenge.  It's not even a particularly frustrating or difficult day, it's just a day that seems to be devoid of any real amount of energy or enthusiasm.  A day of going through the motions - surviving until tomorrow.  A day that has you thinking "how badly do I need to pee, because I just don't want to get up".  On those days, we want nothing more than to crawl back under the covers and wake up tomorrow, or perhaps start an IV of caffeine to help jolt you out of the funk that seems to have taken over!  In any case, there usually isn't a solution (at least not one that I've found), so we're left to fend for ourselves. 

Today has been one of those days for me.  I don't know what the problem is - the weather, typical mid-week blues, or I'm just plain tired.  All I know is that today has been a struggle since my alarm went off. 

The worst part is, the day isn't over yet.  This is one of those rare occasions that I will be responsible for dinner, baths, and possibly bedtime for Jack and Molly before I can finally head home and crash!  Isn't that always the case?  The day that you want nothing more than to call it quits until tomorrow turns out to be the day that would not end!

I don't know what the problem has been today, but hopefully my energy level and mood rectify themselves by tomorrow, because I've got one more day of work before I can enjoy 4 whole days off!

*While we all need time to vent every now and then (I am certainly no exception), I am beginning a new tradition here on "Making Lemonade".  Thankful Thursdays will be, starting tomorrow, a weekly fixture in which I use all of my available energy and enthusiasm to focus on something (or someone) that I'm truly thankful for.  I'm looking forward to putting a positive spin on even the most challenging weeks!


  1. We are going to have a great weekend! !

  2. Great idea! I know just what you mean, my friend. I've had those too often lately. :/


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