Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wanted: A Job

It occurred to me yesterday, once the tears had slowed and I was able to think of something besides how much I'm going to miss seeing Jack and Molly every day, that I'm officially unemployed.


The words of my father are echoing in my head as I write this "You don't quit a job until you have another job".  Oops - sorry Dad!

While that rule is great for most situations, I feel that it simply doesn't apply this time.  We needed to make this move.  It was the right time, the need was there, and at some point you just make a decision and go with it.

Unfortunately, one of the casualties of making a life changing decision was job hunting.  I've put it off, knowing that I have too many other things to deal with, and (until now) never really thinking about the reality of not having a job.  That was, until reality hit me. 

Yesterday, I received my last paycheck.  Gulp!  Unfortunately, with our financial reserves being what they are (or aren't), the pressure is now on to not only make our move quickly and economically (anyone who has moved across the country, or even out of state knows how impossible that is), but to find some means of income immediately upon our arrival in Ohio. 

So, now the big questions start to bounce around my head.  What kind of job do I want?  What am I trained for?  How much money do I need to make in order to pay the bills?  Do I take a job that will simply provide a paycheck and a daily activity, or do I wait and seek out something that I'm passionate about doing?  What am I passionate about doing?  And...the list goes on.

I can't help but feel like we're being pushed in this direction, so part of me wants to believe that the right situation will present itself - I just hope it happens before we have to sell a kidney on the black market in order to pay the water bill!

1 comment:

  1. I've had the "jobs you do just because you need money" -- too many of them to count, including the career I went to school for! I'd say forget those and focus your search on something that sparks your passions, otherwise you'll just be launching a new job hunt a few months down the road.


I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, concerns - so drop me a line!