Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm Thankful...

Oh, the things we take for granted.  Apparently I've been doing too much of that, because the universe just handed me an unpleasant reminder of how lucky I am to have the modern conveniences that we sometimes forget to be thankful for.

Anyone that has been reading this (or my Facebook updates) knows that over the weekend, our AC broke.  Ordinarily this wouldn't have been such a big deal, except for the fact that it happened during the hottest week of the year, so far.  We had temperatures over 100 degrees, and our house was averaging about 90 during the day. 

Finally, yesterday, after a whole lot of brain damage and half a week of discomfort, we have a new AC unit up and running, and our house is a cool and comfortable 76 degrees!

So, not surprising, today I'm thankful for air conditioning! 

I know it might sound silly - who wouldn't be thankful for that, especially in the middle of the summer.  But when you've gone without it for 4 days, haven't had the luxury of walking in the house out of the blistering heat to feel that rush of cool air greet you, and have sat in the evenings praying for a breeze (or at least that the sweat would stop dripping down your back), you begin to see things a little differently. 

Aside from the inconvenience of having to live life in an oven, I had my grand plans of productivity dashed before my very eyes.  I'm sure there are people in the world who could rise above the heat, push up their sleeves, march into a room with no AC and dive right in to the organizing and packing that I had planned on doing this week, but I am not that person.  The heat got the best of me.

Perhaps this was a reminder that we take too many things for granted, or that we simply forget that not everyone has what we have.

Either way, message received!  I'm thankful for our air conditioning, as well as the rest of the modern conveniences that I could spend 10 minutes listing out. 

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