Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Isn't For Tweens

I love October.  It's my favorite month.  I love that with October comes the big changing of the seasons, the crisp fall weather, and the hint of the upcoming holidays (without the stress).

I also love Halloween.  Coming up with an awesome costume idea...deciding who you'll trick-or-treat with...and the culmination of the Halloween holiday in the form of a ginormous sugar high!

Halloween is a great time for a kid - the candy, the costumes, the fun.  It's also a great time for parents - dressing your kids up in costumes that you pick, enjoying that magical time before the boys want to dress like Freddie Krueger and the girls want to dress like pole dancers on spring break.

But...what about those of us who fall between these two groups? 

I'm pretty sure that at 30, I'd get some strange looks if I showed up for trick-or-treating without a kid.

But, on the other hand, we don't have kids ourselves to buy costumes for and take trick-or-treating, and we don't live in a neighborhood where we get to pass out candy for little ones. 

We're in that funny in-between stage of life.  No Halloween parties to go to, no trick-or-treating, no excuse to purchase excessive amounts of candy.

Today, I broke out of the "tweens" and embraced my inner child.  We had a Halloween party (for kids) at work today, so I got creative, made a costume myself, committed to it, and had a rip roaring good time as I walked around my office in costume.

I'm not sure when I'll be dressing up again, and I'm pretty sure nobody took me seriously while I was "in character"...but today, for a few brief hours...I was Pippi Longstocking!

1 comment:

  1. You're adorable! Are you going to wear that this weekend? ;)


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