Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Strange Movie Addiction?

I realize that I'm not the most active person in the world.  Yes, I walk the dog, I occasionally exercise, but in general, I'm a fairly laid back person.  Some of my most relaxing moments happen while sitting in front of the tv, idly flipping channels in search of something interesting...or better yet...something I've already seen.

I'm afraid I have some kind of illness - I LOVE watching movies that I've already seen. 

I love them!!!

Ben and I joke (ok, he complains, but I like to pretend that he's just joking around) that whenever Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Couples Retreat, or Did You Hear About The Morgans? come on, I have to watch them.

Even as I'm typing this ridiculous blog, I'm half watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding on one of the movie channels...again.

Ok, now here is the really crazy part...I somehow find it more appealing to watch a movie that I've already seen on tv rather than pop in the DVD.  

Just the other day, I was watching Something's Gotta Give (and yes, I realize that I have a thing for romantic comedies) when Ben, quite innocently, asked "Don't you have this on dvd?". 

I had to stop myself from saying "um, yeah, but it's on tv!" when I realized how asinine that would sound.

Is this some kind of a disorder?  Is it laziness?  Is there a serious shortage of new and exciting things to watch?  Do I need to learn to turn off the tv?

Whatever the I sit...again...watching a movie that I have not only seen about 2 dozen times (not counting the flight back from Greece when I watched it about 4 times in a row)...and that I happen to also own.

There is definitely something wrong with me!

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing wrong with you. You just like movies you've seen before on tv!!! Love you!!


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