Thursday, September 22, 2011


The economy is crap.  The stock market tanked again.  People are losing jobs, losing money, losing their get the idea.

I feel like I've taken up permanent residence in "limbo-land", as I've come to lovingly refer to this constant state of "I don't know what's next".

The move, the loss of a steady paycheck, the addition of multiple expenses - these things have been making me nuts!

Aside from the actual stress of job hunting (which, for those of you who have not had to job hunt in the last couple of years, blows), I've been dealing with the dilemma of whether to hold out for "the job" or just find "a job". 

Was it too much to ask to find a job that I actually cared about?  To find a job that utilized the administrative skills that I've come to embrace (yet that somehow manage to elude me at home)?  Was it too much to hope to find a job that didn't make me feel like the last 4 years of my life spent as a nanny were a total waste?  Impossible to think that I'd be able to work with people that I actually enjoyed and who made me feel like a valuable member of a team rather than a "worker bee"?

Apparently it wasn't too much to ask, or hope for, or expect, because I have found my job! 

Not only is it a job that I will totally rock at, but it's a job that makes use of all my skills, that will challenge me, that will allow me the opportunity to "give back" a bit, and one that I know will be so  much more than the "paycheck job" I was dreading having to settle for.  There will be no settling here!

Tomorrow is my first official day of work, so on this particular Thankful Thursday, I'm incredibly thankful to have found my new job!

1 comment:

  1. I am so so happy for you! :) I hope your first day was awesome!


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