Thursday, December 22, 2011

That New Car Smell

This year, Christmas came a little early for me.

I've been toying with the idea of getting a new car over the last few months (ok, years).

Yes, Little Red (as we affectionately called my tin can on wheels), was a good car, made the trip from Ohio to California in one piece, and did its job getting me from Point A to Point B.

So, on Tuesday, I pulled the trigger and am now the proud owner (leaser) of a 2012 Nissan Rogue.

Go me!  Thanks to my darling husband (and former car salesman), I got a screaming good deal and can say with confidence that I bought a great car!

So, my thanks this week is not only for my new car (which I love), but for the security and peace of mind that it brings.

No more worrying about when the check engine light is going to come on again.  No more stressing that despite the bright red color, larger cars on the freeway simply don't see me.  Most importantly, no more panic attacks at the thought of driving my darling tin can into the "snow belt" of NE Ohio this winter, hitting ice on the hilly roads I take to work, veering off into a ditch, and freezing to death because I'm trapped and can't get out.

Yes, for all these things, I'm thankful this week!

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