Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pre-Holiday Plan

I'm boycotting my weigh-in this week (again).  In fact, I'll probably be boycotting my scale through January!

I've decided that evil little elves live in the scale and mess with the numbers just to see my reaction each week. 

I'm sure I put on a pretty good show - stripping down to my underwear, carefully stepping onto the scale silently praying that I've lost weight, my eyes slowly bugging out of my head as I focus my eyes on the number shining up at me, doing rapid mental calculations about what I've eaten since my last weigh in (I'm sure I look something like a monkey attempting math).

I've had enough...the show is over!  You're cut off, you little bastards!

I refuse to give up!

I'm still working out...I'm still trying to make good choices...I'm still drinking a ton of water every day...

While my clothes still fit the same, I have noticed that my knee-high boots are fitting a little looser.  I used to work a little harder to get them zipped...whereas now I zip them and then deal with them slouching down a bit during the day. 

Progress?  Sure...I'll pretend that my legs are a teeny bit skinnier (rather than the more likely scenario that my boots have just stretched out a bit). 

I realize that heading into the holidays is the worst time to attempt to lose weight.  Figure if I struggle so much during the rest of the year, I don't have a prayer. 

However...I'm going to maintain.  I'm not going to try to maintain...I'm just going to do it!  I'll keep working out...keep drinking water...and keep (sort of) making good food choices.

Fingers crossed that I can do this!!!!

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