Thursday, February 9, 2012

Things I'm Not

The other day, my boss was telling me about a job interview that her son had recently gone to.  He had to teach the interviewing panel something, using no visual aids or props, he had to answer situational questions about "on the job" scenarios, and finally, he had to give a list of 10 things that he "was not".  He, of course, asked for clarification on how literal they wanted him to be: "I'm not a desk", etc.  They said that they were looking for 10 things about who he is, his personality. 

Wow...quite the challenge, especially on the spot in a job interview.  Not only coming up with 10 things, but having them be 10 things that don't sound completely negative. 

This got me thinking.  What am I NOT???  Somehow describing what you ARE seems exponentially easier than describing what you are NOT. 

It's taken a few days of consideration, but here's what I've come up with so far. 

1.  I'm not always sure of myself
2.  I'm not dishonest
3.  I'm not spontaneous
4.  I'm not going to allow myself to be taken advantage of or manipulated
5.  I'm not always willing to take advice or ask for help
6.  I'm not sure that I really and truly want kids
7.  I'm not used to someone wanting to take care of me
8.  I'm not content
9.  I'm not happy with any part of my body
10.  I'm not as negative as I sometimes sound
11.  I'm not comfortable having to be assertive
12.  I'm not decisive
13.  I'm not dogmatic or closed-minded
14.  I'm not insensitive
15.  I'm not sure if I've made my parents proud
16.  I'm not interested in being the center of attention
17.  I'm not afraid to be silly

Now, obviously, this is not a list that I'd give to a potential employer, but I thought it was an interesting exercise in self-awareness.

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